Avocado Hummus and Cucumber Pico de Gallo Tostadas March 14, 2020 Edit These Avocado Hummus and Cucumber Pico de Gallo Tostadas are a vegetarian delight that can be prepared in only 15 minutes and requires no cooking time. READ THE RECIPE HERE Share this post Related Posts Banana Pepper Pizza ~ My Man's Recipe You Know You Want To Make These Garlic Roasted Brussel Sprouts Vegan Stuffed Cabbage Rolls 15 Clean Eating Recipes for Weight Loss Outrageously Good Stuffed Celery Stuffed Celery Crack Your favorite recipe source for healthy food [Paleo, Vegan, Gluten free] 30 leckere vegane Gerichte, die Du in nur 30 Minuten kochen kannst